Bazyleva,, Y AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL BEGINNING “POEMS OF TWO MILLENNIA” BY V. S. BAYEVSKY. Proceedings of Petrozavodsk State University. 2023;45(4):85–90. DOI: 10.15393/

Russian literature and literature of the peoples of the Russian Federation


Yu. S.
Depart- ment Military Academy of Military Air Defense The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation named after Marshal of the Soviet Union A. M. Vasilevsky
V. S. Bayevsky
autobiographical beginning
human document
Summary: The article analyzes the autobiographical beginning of the lyrics of the Smolensk literary critic and writer V. S. Bayevsky using the example of the book “Poems of Two Millennia”. The relevance of the proposed research is due to the little-studied creative heritage of the philologist, as well as the lack of analysis of his poems from the point of view of the autobiographical beginning. The purpose of the work is to consider the peculiarities of the manifes- tation of the autobiographical principle in the lyrics of Bayevsky. Biographical, cultural-historical and comparative methods are used in the course of the work. Based on the analysis, it is concluded that the autobiographical beginning is realized in the plot, at the level of the system of images and processing of life material. This allows you to recreate real personalities (from the sphere of science and literature), not only autobiographical, but also historical episodes. Bayevsky’s lyrics are characterized by fixation, documentary evidence of what is written, which manifests itself in the indication of a specific place, “autobiographical space” and time. The poems reflect the archival heritage of Bayevsky (epistolary, diaries), through which it became possible to reconstruct the situation of communication between the writer and his addressees. The lyrics, which reveal an autobiographical beginning based on documentary evidence, have a diary, confessional character. The poetic presentation, due to the presence of literary subtexts and stylizations, acquires a generalized sound.

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