All articles are rigorously reviewed. Submissions go through single-blind peer review: the reviewers know the names of the authors, but the authors do not know the names of the reviewers.

Submissions are reviewed within 30 to 90 days of receiving. In some cases, the review can be extended up to six months.

The reviewers can be acknowledged experts who have academic degrees and published articles about the subject of peer-reviewed submission over the past 3 years.

The reviewers may be selected by the chief editor, his deputies and the members of the editorial board.

One of the main conditions for selecting a reviewer is the absence of any conflict of interest with the author. If there is a conflict, the reviewer must notify the editorship and refuse to review.

All articles are rigorously reviewed by at least two reviewers. It can be members of the editorship and other specialists or external experts, which have necessary experience and competence. The review is conducted in accordance with the stated principles of publication ethics.

The review is performed by filling a review form, which requires argumentative justification. The review also requires the necessary information about conditions of scientific review, confidentiality, etc. Reviewers may also write their reviews in a free form. In every instance, the editors ask reviewers to evaluate the reviewed submission against the general requirements in the review guideline.

After reviewing the manuscript, the reviewer shall make one of the following recommendations:

  • to accept the paper and send the author a list of reviewer’s comments and suggestions for consideration or paper revision (at the author's discretion);
  • to accept the paper after addressing all the reviewer’s comments and suggestions;
  • to reject the paper with the possibility to resubmit;
  • to reject the paper without the possibility to resubmit.

The reviewer fills the standard form, prints, signs and seals it at their workplace, then sends the review in .doc format (without signature and seal) and in .pdf format (signed and sealed) to the executive secretary.

In cases of doubt (e. g., when one reviewer recommends to accept the article for publication after a revision, while another reviewer rejects it), an additional review can be performed. The same applies to the revised and resubmitted papers.

After a review, the executive secretary sends the author a list of the reviewers’ comments and suggestions with the recommendation to revise the paper accordingly.

The author then addresses the provided comments and suggestions by revising the manuscript or sending a detailed response to the executive secretary.

A revised manuscript submitted by the author after 90 days of sending the reviews is considered to be resubmitted.

Other materials (i. e., conference reports, reviews, congratulatory addresses, obituaries, etc.) usually are not peer reviewed, but assessed by the editors.

If the paper is accepted, it is forwarded to the literary editor for the final editing.