Proceedings of Petrozavodsk State University (ISSN 2541-1077 (Print) and ISSN 1994-5973 (Online)) is one of the oldest academic periodicals in north-western Russia. It was established in 1947, was published until 1975, and then was revived in 2008. Currently, it is the only printed journal of Petrozavodsk State University.

In 2010, the journal was included into the list of peer-reviewed academic journals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation for PhD and doctoral students. As of 2020, it is included in this list as a scholarly periodical publication that covers research and theory in the following academic disciplines: historical sciences and archaeology, literary studies, and linguistics.

Registration certificate PI No FS77-69487 was issued on April 25, 2017, by the Federal Service for Media Law and Cultural Heritage Protection Law Compliance.

Aims and Scope

Petrozavodsk State University is the only Russian university that offers academic programs in Karelian, Vepsian and Finnish languages and literature. Therefore, the journal's primary aim is to promote the research of these languages, as well as the folklore, literature and history of the corresponding  nations, by introducing new facts, sources, concepts, ideas, methodology and research practices to academic community.

The "Linguistics" section of the journal covers studies in Balto-Finnic philology, the Russian language, other Slavic languages and the languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation, classical, Byzantine and Modern Greek philology, the theory of language, comparative linguistics, and European languages.

The "Literary Studies" section presents the results of the recent research in Karelian, Vepsian,  Finnish and Russian literary texts and folklore, as well as in literary theory, text studies, as well as world literature (including the literature of the peoples of the Russian Federation).

The journal publishes papers on various aspects of historical research, including source studies, historiography, oral history, historical memory and current historical development. Such broad coverage of research areas is reflected in the layout of the journal with five main sections - "Russian History", "World History", "Historiography, Source Studies and Methodology of Historical Research", "Ethnography, Ethnology and Anthropology" and "Archeology". Papers that deal with history of Karelia, Finland, Sweden, Norway and north-western Russia are given the priority when considered for publication. However, the journal sets no strict thematic or chronological limits on the submitted manuscripts and welcomes research papers on various topics.

The journal is aimed at teachers and other staff of higher educational institutions and other academic and cultural institutions (such as museums and archives), postgraduate students, master’s or bachelor’s degree students, and all those who are interested in history, microhistory, languages and literature of Karelia, Finland and north-western Russia.

 In addition to research articles, it accepts academic discussions, interviews with scholars, reviews, reports on conferences, workshops or other academic events, and special anniversary and memorial texts. 

 In order to be accepted for publication, the papers need to meet the following requirements:

  • The study must report original research and conclusions.
  • Submitted articles must be original pieces of writing not published elsewhere before.
  • The conclusions should be valid and properly presented.
  • Submissions must meet all ethical requirements and comply with the journal’s editorial policies.
  • The study should take into account current trends, practices and results of historical and philological research in Russia and abroad.
  • The paper should provide appropriate credit to the used sources and have a comprehensive and properly presented list of references.

Proceedings of Petrozavodsk State University is an open access journal, which means that it doesn’t charge a publication fee, and its content is freely available on the journal’s website.

The journal publishes papers in Russian and English eight times per year. It encourages the submission of manuscripts from the researchers (including PhD and doctoral students) of all Russian and foreign universities and other academic institutions.


The journal was established by Petrozavodsk State University (PetrSU, at the time known as Karelian-Finnish University), and issued its first volume in 1947, shortly after the end of the Great Patriotic War. The first editor of the journal was the head of the university Assoc. Prof. Viktor S. Chepurnov, who was followed by the current rector Prof. Anatoliy V. Voronin, and then by Prof. Elena S. Senyavskaya (since 2019).


Petrozavodsk State University
33, Lenin Ave., Petrozavodsk, 185910, Russian Federation


  • Russian Scientific Electronic Library (elibrary.ru) and Russian Science Citation Index (http://elibrary.ru/contents.asp?issueid=1634514)
  • The Nordic List
  • Google Scholar
  • CyberLeninka electronic library (cyberleninka.ru)
  • Julkaisufoorumi, Finnish Publication Forum (JUFO)
  • Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL)
  • Electronic Library of the Republic of Karelia (http://elibrary.petrsu.ru/)
  • Ulrich’s Periodical Directory (USA)
  • Russian Book Chamber (branch of ITAR-TASS)

Publishing Ethics

The journal’s publishing ethics policy is based on traditional ethical principles of Russian academic periodic literature, and all the ethical requirements for editors and publishers stipulated in the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors and Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers designed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). The journal’s Editorial Board and Editorial Councils comply with the international norms of copyright protection, applicable Russian laws, and international publishing standards.