Arzamazov, A. A. ETHNOPOETIC WORLD OF ZOYA DUDINA. Proceedings of Petrozavodsk State University. 2023;45(6):58–64. DOI: 10.15393/

Russian literature and literature of the peoples of the Russian Federation


A. A.
Federal Research Center “Kazan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan
national literature
ethnocultural identity
figurative system
linguistic and poetic features
lyrical hero
folklore and mythological context
Summary: The article deals with the poems of Zoya Dudina, one of the most famous and artistically original representatives of modern Mari poetry. The relevance of the topic is due to the versatility of literary talent and the variety of poetic techniques of the author, as well as the little-studied of her creative concept. The scientific novelty of this work is determined by the fact that Z. Dudina’s poems have not been studied in the context of the national tradition and Finno-Ugric literature, as well as the theoretical and methodological underdevelopment of the theme of women’s lyrics in the history of Mari literature. The purpose of the work is to analyze the individual author’s features of the Mari poet's artistic picture of the world, the ethno-cultural components and the existential-psychological aspects of the creative expression, which go back to the folklore and mythology of the Mari people. The main objectives of the study are to consider the motif-figurative complex (the motif of death, atmospheric and ornithomorphic symbols), the problem-thematic priorities of the author, individual linguo-aesthetic correspondence with the works of national classics (S. Chavain) and the degree of correlation of the original texts with the Russian translation.

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