Filippova, I. N., Vasilenko, L. Yu. METHODOLOGY FOR ASSESSING THE COMPLETENESS OF INTERSEMIOTIC TRANSLATION. Proceedings of Petrozavodsk State University. 2023;45(4):54–60. DOI: 10.15393/

Theoretical, Applied and Comparative Linguistics


I. N.
Moscow State Regional University
L. Yu.
Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
ntersemiotic translation
asymmetry of language means
film adaptation
Summary: We present the experience of developing a methodology that allows us to assess the completeness of the intersemiotic translation of a work of fiction into a feature film as objectively as possible. The criterion of completeness of translation, which is significant in translation studies, in connection with the transition to a different semiotic system (cinema) acquires new aspects that are not subject to simple application from the sphere of achievements of interlan- guage translation. The polymodality of the film text requires the development of its own methods for assessing the qual- ity of intersemiotic translation and explication of support points (estimated characteristics of the compared texts). We use general scientific methods of quantitative analysis, graphical interpretation of data, generalization and abstraction, and linguistic descriptive, component and comparative analysis. We present an assessment of the completeness of inter- semiotic translation based on objective (calculated in absolute and relative units) results of quantitative analysis of the content of IT and PT (in dictionary units and percentages) and timing of voiced IT and screen PT. The transformation of a monomodal verbal text into a polymodal adiuovideoverbal PT does not allow complete identity with the original due to the exclusion of a significant amount of IT (75 %) with a slight substitution of verbal content by means of the PI (25 % of the total transmitted IT content). The conducted research provides a convincing argument for the introduction of the concepts of exclusion and inclusion into the theory of intersemiotic translation. The asymmetry of the means of transmitting content (in IT – only verbally, in PT – polymodally) is accompanied by a transformation of the character composition, a change in the idiosyncrasy of the author of IT and is due to the expansion of new participants in the communication process and the complication of the communicative code.

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