Lukyanov, D. V. HISTORICAL COGNITIVISM: THE PHENOMENOLOGY OF COGNITIVE HISTORY. Proceedings of Petrozavodsk State University. 2023;45(2):83–87. DOI: 10.15393/

Discussions. Source Studies in Actual Historical Culture


D. V.
Russian State University for the Humanities
cognitive history
paradigm of history
historical epistemology
professional community
Summary: The socio-cultural and epistemological status of the professional community of contemporary Russian historians, the social functions of historical science, historical knowledge, and cognition, as well as the possibilities of updating research strategies and scientific searches cause disputes and discussions in domestic historiography, when scholars start reflecting on the dominant paradigms of their knowledge development, the methodological and theoretical instruments of their science, and the possibilities, prospects, and significance of historical and philosophical know- ledge. Amid the epistemological uncertainty of the post-postmodern era and fragmentation of historical knowledge and cognition, the article discusses the theory and methodology of cognitive history (as a possibility of “rigorous science”) and epistemological characteristics of the phenomenological paradigm of modern source studies (as a new “disciplinary ontology”), outlined and substantiated in the works of O. M. Medushevskaya and M. F. Rumyantseva. Special attention is drawn to the idea that the mere historiographical fact of the emergence of the theory and methodology of historical cognitivism is the congenial evidence of the “end of history” of historical phenomenology of the previous Soviet historiography.

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