Razumova, I. A. DOCUMENTARY LITERATURE OF SCIENTISTS-GEOLOGISTS (On the discursive aspects of the profession). Proceedings of Petrozavodsk State University. 2022;44(6):91–98. DOI: 10.15393/uchz.art.2022.802

Ethnology, anthropology and ethnography

DOCUMENTARY LITERATURE OF SCIENTISTS-GEOLOGISTS (On the discursive aspects of the profession)

I. A.
the Branch of the Federal Research Centre “Kola Science Centre of the Russian Academy Sciences”
factual literature
anthropology of professions
anthropology of science
biographical chronicle
autobiographical story
Summary: The purpose of the article was to reveal how specific professional properties are realized in different genre works of documental literature. The authors are scientists, geologists, who act as biographers and memoirists. One of the tasks is to analyze the literary forms in which the professional identification of geologists is carried out in the context of the problem of genre formation in documentary literature. In works written for commemorative purposes, on the basis of life drama, the creative possibilities of scientists as amateur authors are realized. A comparative analysis of two biographies of scientists created by the representatives of the scientific workshop themselves is proposed: a chronicle of the life of I. V. Belkov, written by his wife and colleague I. D. Batieva, and the autobiographical story by V. Z. Negruta, dedicated to his deceased wife T. Ya. Negruta and presented as a co-author. The authors and heroes are geologists, doctors of sciences, who worked at the Kola Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The analysis is based on the ideas that genres as abstractions are identified on the basis of common properties that have a supra-genre character, which create stable or situational combinations and determine the similarity and diversity of texts. The works are united according to the type of correlation between textual and non-textual reality as a specific feature of factual literature. They are based on documentary, memoir, historicism, biographism, autobiography, and commemorative attitude. These principles manifest themselves in varying degrees and in various ways. Both narratives have the properties of a “family story”, but one is in the historical and chronicle version with elements of “scientific”, and the other is in a romantic plan. The intersection of specific and genre features in their varying ratios and combinatorics creates unique examples of factual literature. The considered biographies are part of the literary heritage of the scientific community. In them, to a greater or lesser extent, the artistic principle is expressed. In socio-anthropological terms, it is important that they reveal stable and varying cultural models of geologists.

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