Yastrebov, A. O. UPDATES TO THE BIOGRAPHY OF APOSTOLOS TSIGARAS. Proceedings of Petrozavodsk State University. 2022;44(3):79–88. DOI: 10.15393/uchz.art.2022.756

VI International Scientific Conference in memory of Professor T. G. Malchukova "Russia and Greece: Dialogues of Cultures"


A. O.
Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Apostolos Tsigaras
Zotos Tsigaras
Metropolitan Gabriel Severos
Philadelphia Metropolitanate
Chronograph of Pseudo-Dorotheus
Summary: Apostolos Tsigaras († 1637), a native of Ioannina, is not included in the galaxy of prominent representatives of the Greek people in the era of the Turkish rule. Not being a statesman or church leader, a big businessman or a military man, he lived his life as a political émigré in exile, engaging in trade. Nevertheless, despite the minority position among the educated Greeks of the diaspora, he was destined to play a signifi cant role in the enlightenment of his compatriots, as well as in the process of establishing ties between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Philadelphia Metropolitanate of the Patriarchate of Constantinople. The article examines the connections of the Apostolos with Russia and the Russian Church. In addition to the already known facts, new unexplored data are presented. Tsigaras played an important role – he introduced the Russian Church to its defender in far-off Europe – the Metropolitan Gabriel Severos of Philadelphia. After that, the Metropolitan was honored with the attention of the Moscow Patriarch Job. As an editor and co-author he made the Chronicle of Pseudo-Dorotheus – the history of the Greeks in the Byzantine and post-Byzantine periods, which, inter alia, tells about the founding of the patriarchate of the Russian Church – available to the general reader in Europe. The paper specifi cally focuses on his role in the publication of the Chronicle. The testament of Apostolos Tsigaras, which has not been published in Russian before, is presented in the appendix to the article.

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