Bezukladnikova, S. S. LESSON SYNOPSIS: GENRE FEATURES (analysis of lesson synopses from the School of Digital Technologies network). Proceedings of Petrozavodsk State University. 2022;44(3):48–57. DOI: 10.15393/


LESSON SYNOPSIS: GENRE FEATURES (analysis of lesson synopses from the School of Digital Technologies network)

S. S.
Tomsk National Research Polytechnic University
engineering discourse
speech genre model
Summary: The paper explores the options of the language actualization of engineering knowledge for a non-professional audience of diff erent ages. The relevance is determined by the insuffi cient study of the engineering discourse genres despite their intensive penetration into non-professional discourses. The paper raises the issue of hybridization of didactical engineering genres and the variability of the structure of their elements in the context of discursive unity. The aim is to describe the model of the “lesson synopsis” genre, which is at the intersection of engineering and didactic discourses. The novelty of the work is determined by the use of previously unstudied corpus of texts. The speech genre model developed by T. V. Shmelyova was chosen as the methodological basis for the study, and the research methodology included communicative and pragmatic, textual, semantic, and comparative analysis, as well as the methods ofquantitative analysis. The author identifi ed and described the formal structural elements of the “lesson synopsis” genre,drew conclusions about the possible reasons for the variability of the elements comprising the genre structure of texts, and listed some ways of adapting engineering knowledge for children.

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