Urvantseva, N. G. TRADITIONS ABOUT PETER I IN THE NEWSPAPER “OLONETS PROVINCIAL GAZETTE”. Proceedings of Petrozavodsk State University. 2021;43(6):41–52. DOI: 10.15393/uchz.art.2021.655

Literary studies


N. G.
Petrozavodsk State University
Peter I
Olonets provincial sheets
Olonets province
Summary: The reformatory activities of Peter I, who repeatedly visited the Olonets province, left a deep imprint on the people’s historical prose. The article attempts to systematize information about the historical legends about Peter the Great, published on the pages of the Petrozavodsk newspaper of the 19th – early 20th century “Olonets Provincial Gazette”. The relevance of the article is due to insufficient study of the legends about Peter I, published in the unofficial part of the local periodical. Revealed 86 legends published in the period from 1838 to 1905. The main number of records is made up of plot and non-plot stories of a domestic nature. The article examines the activities of employees and correspondents of “Olonets Provincial Gazette”, members of the Olonets Provincial Statistical Committee in collecting information about the stay of Peter I in the Olonets Territory, establishes links between publications about the emperor in connection with significant dates. In the legends about Peter I, both original and traditional features have been preserved that have developed in this genre throughout the history of its existence. A complex of motives, plots and their variants, as well as functions associated with this historical person, are considered. The folklore image of Peter I in legends is analyzed separately, the main types (functions) of this character are distinguished, and his mythological and fairy-tale features are noted. A characteristic is given to the largest cycle of Vytegorsk legends about Peter I. In the appendix to the main text of the article, a summary table of all texts about Peter I published in the newspaper “Olonets Provincial Gazette”.

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