Novoselova, V. A. TRANSFORMATION OF PHRASEOLOGISMS AS A MEANS OF VERBAL EXPRESSION IN POLITICAL DISCOURSE // Proceedings of Petrozavodsk State University. 2019. No 5 (182). P. 61–69. DOI: 10.15393/



V. A.
Petrozavodsk State University
political linguistics
media linguistics
political language
political discourse
transformation of phraseology
Summary: The study was carried out in the framework of political linguistics – a scientific direction that appeared on the basis of linguistics and political science, which in the late XX – early XXI century began to develop rapidly not only abroad but also in Russia. This discipline is closely related to cognitive linguistics, sociology, rhetoric, media linguistics. The question of political discourse as a multidimensional and complex communicative phenomenon is of linguistic interest, as verbal means of communication is a political language that performs not only the function of information transmission, but also refers to one of the effective means of influencing the mass audience. The relevance of the topic is due to the widespread use of means of speech expression in acts of political communication. The purpose of the article is to consider the transformed phraseological expressions as expressemes, to determine their meaning, component composition and to trace stylistic functions in the speeches of politicians, public and public figures, as well as media publications of socio-political themes. The paper describes such speech-making techniques of phraseological units modification as quantitative change of their structure (reduction or expansion of components of stable turnover), replacement of component composition, two-dimensional use of phraseology, fragmentary citation of stable turnover, and also considers the pragmatic function of transformed language units – purposeful impact on the addressee. This study allows to conclude that, creatively translating the idioms, the participants of the political discourse reveals their functionality: the transformed momentum can serve as a means of creating a comic effect, with their help generate new images that are expressed by different shades of attitude to the facts of reality, there are the emotional connotations of contexts that stimulates interest in relevant issues of our time. The texts for the analysis were the materials of various news agencies and television broadcasts.

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