Skoropadskaya, A. A. QUESTION ON CLASSICAL EDUCATION IN PUBLICISTIC MEANING OF F. DOSTOYEVSKY // Proceedings of Petrozavodsk State University. 2019. No 5 (182). P. 25–30. DOI: 10.15393/

Literary studies


A. A.
Petrozavodsk State University
F. Dostoevsky
“Time” magazine
“Epoch” magazine
“Grazhdnin” magazine
classical education
real education
Summary: The article discusses the coverage of the dispute about classical and real education in the magazines “Time”, “Epoch” and “Citizen” during the period of work in them by F. M. Dostoevsky. For the first time, an appeal to this topic is analyzed not only in the journalism of Dostoevsky himself, but also in the texts that were subjected to his editorial evaluation. The relevance of the topic is determined by the need to clarify the literary and publicistic context in which Dostoevsky was immersed in the power of personal interests and professional duties. The purpose of the study is to analyze the author’s positions in relation to classical education in the publications of the magazines “Time”, “Epoch” and “Citizen” and clarify Dostoevsky’s position on this issue in accordance with the revealed context. The analysis of publications devoted to the subject under study, carried out with the help of a comparative method, reveals the main ideological positions expressed by the authors of the articles. For all their external differences (statements in favor of real education, criticism or praise of classical education), there is a conviction that unites all these positions in the need to bring the content of education in line with the benefits and needs of modern society. In many ways, agreeing with this, Dostoevsky puts forward his idea: without rejecting classical education at all, the writer finds it necessary not to copy the European experience blindly, but to adopt it on his own, Russian soil, focusing primarily on his national culture and history. In addition, it is precisely classical education that is able to resist utilitarianism and practicality that is spreading in society, as it is directed towards an enduring value – the formation of a multifaceted and holistic personality. Thus, the journalistic theme becomes for Dostoevsky not just a reaction to the topic of the day, but an appeal to eternal philosophical questions that he comprehends himself and offers to comprehend the reader.

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