Kaneva, T. S. GAME SONG “HORSE-RADISH” IN KOMI AND NORTH RUSSIAN TRADITIONS: VARIANTS AND TRANSFORMATIONS // Proceedings of Petrozavodsk State University. 2019. No 3 (180). P. 22–27. DOI: 10.15393/uchz.art.2019.304

Literary studies


T. S.
Pitirim Sorokin Syktyvkar State University
Song and game folklore
plot “horse-radish”
folklore bilingualism
local traditions
textual criticism
Summary: Observations about variability of one of the folklore song plots occurring in the European North in Russians and the Komi traditions – the game song “Horse-radish” are presented in article. Material for a research has been revealed in the Folklore archive of Syktyvkar state university of Pitirim Sorokin in meetings of the Komi and the Russian folklore. Single options have been written down from the Russian traditions: lower Vychegda (Lensk and Vilegodsky districts of the Arkhangelsk region) and lower Pechora (Nenets Autonomous Okrug of the Arkhangelsk region). Numerous records have been made on the South of the Komi republic (pools of Sysola and Letka). Ethnic Komi borrowed and have creatively acquired this plot. The comparative textual analysis of options of a plot “Horse-radish” has been carried out. Options which occurred in the Komi tradition are interesting by accessions to a plot dance tune motives. It has ensured their demand and safety in the game sphere of Komi. In the Russian traditions the rare facts of memories of existing of a song are recorded. A peculiar variant – “transformer” of the song is found in the repertoire of round dances of “hill” of Ust-Tsilma (tradition of Russians of Pechora). The plot of purchase of “radish” from “grandmother” is related to group of the works “Horse-radish”. This plot accompanied an ornamental round dance. Komi and the Russian (variant of Ust-Tsilma) variants differ from “classical” variant of this song. They reflect results of adaptation of the poetic text both in native, and in the other national environment, his inclusion in a new functional and household context.

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