Ruzhinskaya, I. N. THE RELIGIOUSNESS OF PETER I IN THE CONTEXT OF A VITAL SITUATION // Proceedings of Petrozavodsk State University. 2019. No 2 (179). P. 94–100. DOI: 10.15393/

Russian history


I. N.
Petrozavodsk State University
Peter I
Pertominsk monastery
Summary: The article discusses the phenomenon of the personality of Peter I, as religiosity. Relevance and novelty of the research lies in the operationalization of approach – the application of the methods of coping. The features of the religiosity of Peter I are analyzed on the example of the vital situation of the storm on the White sea in 1694. Factors of religious coping, as a way of adaptability of the person to the vital conditions are revealed through the effects of stress. The documentary corpus of the work is presented by published sources. Coping resources, coping strategies, and coping behavior, as the oping mechanisms broadcast by Peter Iduring stress and post-stress periods, are identified during the course of the study. The author concludes that the vital situation demonstrates not a formal, but rather a deep level of religiosity of the young monarch. The behavioral component dominated the monarch’s religious structure. This was expressed through the actions of Peter I during the storm and during the rescue on the territory of the Pertominsky monastery. High resource vitality should be recognized as a distinctive feature of the young monarch’s personality. Peter I believed in the dualism of the result of salvation as the interaction of God and his anointed one (vertical coping),due to the combination of these factors. This strategy strengthened the monarch in giving God’s blessing to the earthly Affairs of the Christian autocrat. The relationship of the monarch with the bishop Athanasius (Lyubimov) and the pilot Antipas became an example of joint (horizontal) coping in this situation. An example of this vital situation demonstrates the religiosity of Peter I in a particular period of his life. To study the evolution of religiosity, it is necessary to involve a complex of similar factors in other emergency situations (war, struggle for power, loss of loved ones), as well as in everyday life. In this case it will be possible to investigate religiosity of Peter I most fully.

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