Pervukhina, S. V. LINGUISTIC AND PRAGMATIC, FUNCTIONAL AND STYLISTIC CHARACTERISTICS OF ADVERTISING AND MEDICAL SUBDISCOURSE // Proceedings of Petrozavodsk State University. 2019. No 1 (178). P. 51–56. DOI: 10.15393/



S. V.
Rostov State Transport University
Advertising and medical subdiscourse
discourse functions
adapted text
simplified text
discourse strategies
Summary: There is a corpus of texts which can be found in the overlapping area of an advertising and medical discourses. They can form an advertising and medical subdiscourse on the basis of the mutual basic characteristic features that are different from medical or advertising ones. This subdiscourse is composed by interdiscourse interaction: its communication is performed in the medicine sphere, whereas communicative intention of some agents belongs to the advertising discourse. The purpose of our research is the description of the advertising and medical subdiscourse and revealing of its basic characteristic features. We analyzed adapted secondary and simplified primary texts of different genres of the written speech. The article describes participants of an advertising and medical subdiscourse, their role in communication, subdiscourse functions. It is revealed that the advertising and medical subdiscourse differs from a medical discourse in its performative function. We studied the style of texts of this subdiscourse, and underlined its features of communication that consist in the basic strategies: manipulation, presentation and popularization. Manipulation in the secondary adapted texts can happen due to the text compression, and in primary texts it is carried out through the appeal to the reader’s emotional sphere. Presentation strategy consists in the choice of the most relevant information for the addressee, and in the choice of the most suitable type of information (creolization of the text or its parts). Popularization strategy consists in providing the specialised information as simply as possible, so that it can be comprehensible for lay audience. As the performative purpose of an advertising and medical subdiscourse is aimed at the goods promotion, the texts of this subdiscourse are focused on the lay audience, they are ment to involve potential buyers and to lead them to choose these goods. Accordingly, the simplified syntactic structures are used in these texts, terms are replaced with hyperonyms or the paraphrases explaining the signification, the everyday vocabulary is used.

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