ISSN 2542-1077 (Print) ISSN 1994-5973 (Online) |
Russian language. Languages of the peoples of Russia |
Sekiro O. O. | Institute for Linguistic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences |
Keywords: nineteenth-century Russian language nineteenth-century journalism legal terminology historical lexicology historical stylistic language refl ection Slavophiles Ivan Aksakov |
Summary: Legal terminology plays a signifi cant role in the development of the nineteenth-century Russian vocabulary.
It was regularly used by a prominent Russian Slavophile, Ivan Aksakov, whose views were shaped within the
professional community of legal experts and directly assimilated the ideas that contributed to the development of the
Russian legal tradition. So far, texts written by the Slavophiles belonging to the one of the main directions that affected
the social and political environment in Russia from the 1840s through the 1860s have not been described by linguists.
The signifi cance of Ivan Aksakov in the media landscape of the XIX century lies in his role as an author who introduced
Slavophile ideas into public discourse, which, along with the active development of journalism vocabulary, determines
the relevance of this study. This research examines the author’s interpretation of legal terminology through language refl
ection, which in Aksakov’s publicistic texts marks the distinction between “foreign” and “native” words in his debates
with opponents. To understand the role of language refl ection in articulating the author’s perspective on legal lexicon,
the paper analyzes the semantic interactions involving the objects of language refl ection, namely, the words legal and
legality that denote the fundamental legal concepts, as well as other lexical and phraseological units and so-called “refl exives”. The fi ndings indicate that Aksakov’s use of these terms led to the emergence of new ideological connotations, closely tied to their religious and moral interpretations. |
Displays: 61; |