ЩЕРБАКОВА М. Е. РАСПАД СССР: ОТРАЖЕНИЕ В КИТАЙСКОЙ КИНОПУБЛИЦИСТИКЕ // Учёные записки Петрозаводского государственного университета. 2021. Том 43, № 8, С. 15–20. URL: https://uchzap.petrsu.ru//journal/article.php?id=688. DOI: 10.15393/uchz.art.2021.688

Всеобщая история


Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет
Ключевые слова:
китайская кинопублицистика
распад СССР
гибель КПСС
документальный сериал «Нужно проявлять предусмотрительность и принимать меры предосторожности заблаговременно. Историче- ские уроки гибели КПСС»
противостояние капиталистического и социалистического лагеря
Аннотация: The leadership of the People’s Republic of China has always paid great attention to studying the experience of socialist states, and especially the history of the Soviet Union. This article attempts to analyze Chinese documentary series which describe the reasons of the Soviet Union collapse. The object of this study is Chinese documentary series, and primarily the series “You need to be prudent and take precautions in advance. Historical lessons of the death of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union”. These series can rightfully be considered as the most typical and important documentaries, where the main reasons of USSR collapse have been formulated. The subject of the study is the depicting of the reasons of USSR collapse in Chinese documentary series. The purpose of this article is to determine whether all of the opinions of Chinese historians regarding the USSR collapse reasons are considered in Chinese documentary series and whether the filmmakers are free in their work and in formulating the summary of the films. The article concludes that Chinese documentary series about USSR collapse reasons express only the opinion supported by the Chinese Communist Party – it is that the internal party problems in the Communist Party of the Soviet Union mainly contributed to the collapse of the state.

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