Novichonok E. V., E. V., Pridacha, V. B., NIKOLAEVA, N. N., Ivanova, D. S., Sazonova, T. A. KARELIAN BIRCH RESPONSIVENESS TO NITROGEN TREATMENT // Proceedings of Petrozavodsk State University. 2018. No 8 (177). DOI: 10.15393/

General Biology


curly birch
nitrogen treatment
atmospheric drought
CO2/H2O-exchange parameters
leaf anatomical structure
leaf morphology
Summary: The hypothesis that the formation of the figured pattern in Karelian birch wood is related to appearance of sucrose excess in the conducting phloem and cambial zone of the trunk highlight the significance of soil fertility in this process. The present studies were conducted on Karelian birch plants grown under two different regimes of nitrogen treatment (0 and 40 g N tree-1). The fertilization resulted in an increase in leaf area and the above ground to below ground biomass ratio. To prevent the development of water stress, probably due to the combined effect of nitrogen treatment and atmospheric drought, there is a decrease in stomatal conductance and transpiration rate. At the same time, there is a decrease in the rate of photosynthesis, which would lead to a decrease in the amount of produced sucrose. In this regard, we assume that the nitrogen treatment of the soil will cause a negative impact on figured wood formation in Karelian birch.

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