Samoylov, N. A. The book review: Shevchenko T. I. Monks of Valaam monastery during the period of persecution: Moscow residents of Valaam monastery after the Revolution of 1917. // Proceedings of Petrozavodsk State University. 2018. No 7 (176). DOI: 10.15393/

Historiography, source studies, methods of historical research

The book review: Shevchenko T. I. Monks of Valaam monastery during the period of persecution: Moscow residents of Valaam monastery after the Revolution of 1917.

N. A.
Saint Petersburg State University
Sergey Leonidovich Tikhvinskij
History of China
Image of Russia in China
Russian-Chinese Relations
Summary: The article is studied scientific heritage of the outstanding Russian historian, sinologist and diplomat Sergei Leonidovich Tikhvinskij (1918-2018), the 100th anniversary of whose birth is celebrated this year, and analyzed his contribution to the studies on history of China and the formation of new scientific directions in this field. The author pays the most attention to the contribution of Academician Tikhvinskij into the studies of image of Russia in China. The author of the article believes that it was S.L. Tikhvinskij who was the first among Russian sinologists to show in detail the process of evolution of the image of Russia in China throughout the history of Russian-Chinese relations. He proposed a clear and scientifically based periodization of this process, highlighting the main stages of the evolution of this image. S.L. Tikhvinskij also proved that the majority of the periods he considered were characterized by ambivalence of Russia's perceptions in China, and was able to explain the reasons for such a phenomenon in each of the segments of historical development. Thus, it was Tikhvinskij who should be considered the founder of imagological approach in China studies

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