Bobunova, M. A. F. I. BUSLAYEV AND FOLKLORE LEXICOGRAPHY // Proceedings of Petrozavodsk State University. 2018. No 4 (173). DOI: 10.15393/



M. A.
Kursk State University
folklore lexicography
folklore language
Summary: The article tells about the role of F. I. Buslayev in the formation of folklore lexicography. His works were the source of a whole range of ideas for lingvofolkloristics and inspired researchers from Kursk to create the dictionary of the Russian folklore language. The established principles of lexicographic description of folk songs come under analysis, they are: genre differentiation of the material, territorial and temporal homogeneity of sources. Special attention is paid to the role of concordances of folklore texts in compiling dictionaries of different types due to their reliability. A detailed description of the microstructure of the epithet dictionary is given with characteristics of the zones (statistical, illustrative, syntagmatic and additional info) of dictionary entries. The author presents proofs of high value of single-genre dictionaries and demonstrates that they quite clearly present a certain fragment of the linguistic picture of the world. In addition the idea of a series of epithet dictionaries compiled on the same model but on the materials of different folk genres is expressed. This could reveal common folklore tendencies as well as specific genre traits. The author carried out a comparative analysis of dictionary entries with the headword Теплый “warm” in epithet dictionaries of bylinas and non-ritual lyrics which enables to conclude high informative potential of epithet dictionaries.

Displays: 283;